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Letter hunt today ~ letter R. Although Adrian (4 years old), knows all his letters well now, I am a big believer in practice and repetition. Even if a child knows his/her ABCs, s/he will inevitably forget them in the absence of implementation and application of what the child has... Read more →

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Montessori Language curriculum follows a PBG Scheme, which is a Montessori “Pink-Blue-Green" series approach, where the child progresses very gradually as s/he is first introduced to three CVC letter words in 💗PINK Series (Consonant-Vowel-Consonant), then blends (st, bl, pr...) in 💙 BLUE Series, and finally learning digraphs (sh, th, ch,... Read more →

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We just returned from the Gulf of Mexico, and children are fascinated with all the seashells we have collected. So, we will be learning about seashells hands-on in our Beach Inspired Nature Study below. Have you tried spelling with seashells? It puts a new twist on language lessons and sparks... Read more →

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Today, we are exploring letter P. During our letter hunt, Adrian would walk around the house and collect all the objects that begin with the "p" sound. "P" is for popcorn, plate, plus (sign/addition), pop/soda can, Pocahontas, princesses, pumpkin, puzzle, picture, pond, park, piano, pregnant, penny, pencil/pen, pig, parrot, pit,... Read more →

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This is a fun Easter Inspired DIY 🐣Egg Alphabet Matching Activity, where your child will have to color coordinate, match upper to lower case letters and identify the first sound by matching language objects. If you have some recycled Easter eggs, first, find matching pairs, which have to be identical.... Read more →

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Montessori materials can be 💰costly, so I love finding an alternative. Below I will show you some of the DIYs I have created to substitute some of the materials you would generally purchase. DIY Color Matching + Fine Motor Pegging This DIY resembles matching Montessori Color Tablets ~ similar to... Read more →

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To continue with our rainbow theme, I made this DIY Alphabet matching activity. First, I drew a rainbow using these pastels. Then I laminated the rainbow painting since the pastels do transfer to hands. I wrote with this Sharpie upper and lower case alphabet on these dot sticker sheets. I... Read more →

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The process of learning how to read can be as simple and joyful as the process of learning how to walk. In Montessori Language curriculum, the hands-on phonetic approach helps children form a clear understanding of how written words encode the spoken sounds into the symbolic letters of the alphabet.... Read more →

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One of the six main categories of Montessori Practical Life activities are social lessons on Grace and Courtesy which include developing social skills such as saying please and thank you, learning how to take turns and listen to others, proper table manners, how to interrupt someone, how to speak with... Read more →

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While Adrian has been able to correctly identify the first sound of the word for a while now; only a few months before his fourth birthday, he started to be able to isolate the ending and the middle sound. To practice the middle sound identification, Julia made this DIY Reading... Read more →

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In a Montessori "PBG" Language scheme (Pink-Blue-Green series approach), the child progresses very gradually as s/he is first introduced to three letter words in💗 PINK Series, then blends (/st/, /bl/, /pr/...) in 💙 BLUE Series, and finally digraphs (/sh/, /th/, /ch/, /oi/...) in 💚 GREEN series. If you think about... Read more →

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Although Adrian knows his ABCs, "letter hunts" where he gets to walk around the house with a basket collecting objects that begin with a particular sounds are still one of his favorite activities. Today, we are exploring letter "S" before moving on to blends such as /st/sh/sr/ etc. "S" is... Read more →

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Montessori Sandpaper letters are a traditional language material used to introduce a child to letters and their sounds, but with a twist: besides visual stimulation of perceiving the symbol (seeing the shape commonly agreed upon to represent a particular sound), a child is also able to sensorily feel the shape... Read more →

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In a Montessori language curriculum, alphabet letters are not first presented to a child in an alphabetical order like A, B, C, D, etc. The idea is to introduce letters phonetically (the way they sound) rather than by their name. Phonetical grouping of certain consonants and vowels had proven to... Read more →

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We have a schedule and children love highlighting in it as they complete a particular lesson or an activity. It keeps me organized, and children have a clear weekly plan in front of them, which allows them to monitor their progress. I believe that good habits form a good character,... Read more →

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Today, we are practicing fine-motor skills while spelling using a dropper the letter "M" on a LEGO DUPLO board. This activity also has a sensorial dimension as Adrian has to follow precisely the color-scheme and the pattern that his sister drew for him as a template for the letter M.... Read more →

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About a month ago, at 3 years and 7 months, Adrian started to blend sounds together, and since then, it has been a fascinating journey on the road of reading and blending. Today, we are continuing working with Montessori CVC Pink 💗Series. After mastering the "a" sound, the next phonetic... Read more →

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As a Father's Day gift, children wrote a special secret love message to their Dad. (I knew there is a purpose for a white crayon in our oil pastel crayon set!) What you need: a white crayon (we are using one from a Giotto Oil Pastels set - buy here);... Read more →

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In a Montessori language curriculum, alphabet letters are not first presented to a child in an alphabetical order like A, B, C, D etc. The idea is to introduce the letters phonetically (the way they sound) rather than by their name, and phonetical grouping of certain consonants and vowels is... Read more →

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Today, we are exploring letter M. Although Adrian knows all the alphabet letters, in the absence of practice, he will inevitably forget what he had learned since the implementation and application of the learned material will be lacking. So, I try to make it interesting and engaging to keep the... Read more →

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