Gardening-planting-growing Feed

Spring is in full bloom, and we cannot stop admiring all the beauty unfolding in front of our eyes. And discoveries lead to questions: "Where do flowers come from? How do flowers know when to bloom? How do they get their food? What is pollination?" And so forth. As always,... Read more →

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I cannot believe we are still harvesting our tomatoes! They look pretty nice next to our Christmas Tree:) However, I trust this is our last harvest this year. Can you believe it is almost New Year? Yummy and juicy! Children grew these tomatoes from seeds, and now the vines are... Read more →

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It is a middle of November, and we had to move our tomatoes inside since we had freezing temperatures at night. The tomatoes are growing, and it looks like we will have a nice harvest in time for Christmas! This one is red! Ready to be picked! "Yummy!" Oh, no!... Read more →

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Today, it is March 9th, and it is gorgeous sunny outside, in mid 80°F. It appears that spring frost is no longer a danger, and it is time to plant our Spruce Tree, which children received last Christmas at Santa's Workshop at the Nature's Nursery. The tree was given as... Read more →

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We bought these basil seeds in Switzerland, during our Europe trip in 2011, and they germinated despite the five years of storage! Within one week after planting, we could already see the little seedlings. about 2 weeks after planing the seeds The sprouts are still very vulnerable to any temperature... Read more →

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"Children have an anxious concern for living beings, and the satisfaction of this instinct fills them with delight. It is therefore easy to interest them in taking care of plants ... Nothing awakens foresight in a small child, who lives as a rule for the passing moment and without care... Read more →

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