Adrian 38 months Feed

Montessori Odd and Even Math lesson (also called cards and counters) concretely and visually teaches a child what odd and even numbers are. You can use a traditional Montessori Numerals and Counters (buy here) or you can make it yourself: you would need numbers 1-10 and 55 counters (you can... Read more →

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Although, I have been introducing art to Adrian in a form of prints and books (not to mention different art projects), it is time to begin our theory art curriculum, by starting to introduce some of the great artists. Today, we are learning about Vincent van Gogh - one of... Read more →

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I believe that sensory play is extremely important for children. I love creating different themes, offering various textures/fillers, thus triggering child's different senses. During Christmas time, various sensory bins are a favorite of my children. They can explore independently, learn, stimulate their senses, and the best part is that the... Read more →

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