Adrian 2 years Feed

“I beg the dear all powerful children to unite with me for the building of peace in Man and in the World.” ~ Dr. Maria Montessori. Do you practice mindfulness with your children? A big part of Montessori education is teaching children to be mindful, respectful and ☮️peaceful with oneself... Read more →

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What are sensorial activities? From birth till about seven years of age, children have a very sensorial relationship within their world ~ they utilize all of their five senses such as sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell to learn about their environment. Anything that triggers their senses, goes directly to... Read more →

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Today, we are learning about the time: how to tell, read and write time, and the importance of time in our lives, and how we should cherish and not waste it. Since there are only a finite amount of hours in a day, we shall spend time wisely, and if... Read more →

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It is Fall here, in Western Hemisphere, and apples are everywhere! So today, it is all about apples! Apple Serving Activity We Love these Montessori aprons: independence = confidence = happy child Learning about the Life Cycle of an Apple These are traditional Montessori 3-Part Cards. Read more on matching... Read more →

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Today, we are exploring animals, counters, quantity and numerals. Adrian would count the animals, and then place a corresponding number of marble underneath, filling just the exact number of empty square boxes. Zebra - is Adrian's favorite animal:) Adrian would count a marble for each animal and then find the... Read more →

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What can be better than enjoying a beautiful autumn afternoon while drawing pumpkins on the porch? Adrian drew Julia holding balloons. In Julia's painting: "Mommy did not have time to put on a costume, while Adrain is a spider, Dad is a pirate, and Julia is Princess Aurora. For more... Read more →

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When should a toddler be expected to do simple addition with numerals 1-10? If using Montessori methods, such as Addition Strip Board, then probably even before the third birthday. The beauty of Montessori method is that complex abstract concepts are broken down into concrete steps, understandable even to a two... Read more →

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This numbers memory game is a math curriculum activity, and it is such a fun way to boost memory, reinforce number recognition and quantity to numeral association, and it allows for movement. A toddler can play alone (like here) or with a sibling or a friend. This activity is very... Read more →

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Toddles love water: they like to pour, mix, and they also enjoy when the process leads to a result: be it clean dishes, bubbles, or different shades of color, like here. First, we added a drop of blue color into each glass ... ... and then added water to each... Read more →

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To make bubbles you would need: a water resistant tray, a water source (here a measuring cup filled with water), a bowl for whisking, a whisk, liquid soap, eye dropper to transfer the soap to the bowl, and a toddle who likes to make bubbles:) As with any activity, once... Read more →

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Fall is in the air here in Western Hemisphere: days are shorter and colder, with more rain; but this change of season also brings its beauty: the gorgeous sight of deciduous trees change color, brisk air and sparkly morning frost, and of course, bountiful harvest: fruits and pumpings and corn!... Read more →

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Recently, children (Julia 7 and Adrian almost 3 years-old) have been very intrigued by an idea of infinity. The world that they know is so finite - everything has its size, the beginning and the end: a toy, a room, a house, a continent, the Earth, our solar system. I... Read more →

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Color Boxes with tablets are a traditional Montessori sensorial material usually introduced to a toddler starting at 2 ½ years old. Montessori Color Tablets Box 1 Color box 1 familiarizes a toddler with primary colors as it contains six tablets: pairs of blue, red, and yellow. As a result, a... Read more →

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In continuing with our World Animal study, we are exploring herbivore vs carnivore animal eating behavior. Adrian was very perplexed that some animals eat other animals: "Why?" he kept asking. I explained that all animals depend on one another for their survival, directly or indirectly. To illustrate, we separated African... Read more →

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This eco-friendly colorful car puzzle has big, chunky pieces which are easy for toddlers to grasp. Also, introducing puzzles with only few pieces gives a child confidence. I first introduced it to Adrian when he was a year-and-a-half. At almost three years, he still enjoys it. I like a toy... Read more →

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Children love “treasure boxes”, especially ones fi... Read more →

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We are using this wooden Montessori World Puzzle Map and animal figurines to learn about the world's animals while empathizing that some animals live exclusively in one area: for example, a bunny never saw a cheetah or a lion. 🐅Tigers and a 🐼panda bear live exclusively in Asia, kangaroo in... Read more →

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Moon Building Block Balance game is a great activity for a two to three year old toddler, who can enjoy it alone or play with a friend: roll the dice and place the corresponding color cylinder on the moon so that nothing falls off. A child develops concentration, precision, and... Read more →

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My friend bought this puzzle in London for Julia, when Julia was three years old. This puzzle is an ancient Chinese brain game known to prime children's brains for math, and it helps a child to learn simple geometry such as side, angle, triangle, square, etc. Julia was first able... Read more →

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I have these beautiful Waldorf Alphabet Cards, and I try to use them as much as I can. Each card artistically depicts one large capital letter, a smaller lower-case letter, and an animal associated with that letter. Today, Adrian is matching foam letters to these Waldorf cards. At almost three... Read more →

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