🚒Firefighter Extinguish🔥Fire DIY Math Gross Motor Game
Halloween Witches Marbled Sensory Shaving Cream Tray

Halloween 🕷Spider 💚Slime • Baking Soda Borax-Free 🏡Home-made ❌Non ♨️Toxic Slime

Today, we are making Halloween slime, which was on my to-do list for a while now, and we are very excited to finally conduct this sensory learning experiment! Slime, besides being absolutely awesome to touch, is also an amazing science demonization. We love hands-on learning through play, and slime is a perfect activity to get children excited about chemistry!  


What you will need to make a homemade slime:

  • 6 fl. oz. bottle Elmer's Glitter Green Glue (or you can use a less expensive liquid clear glue but then you will have to add food coloring and extra glitter)
  • 1/2 tbsp baking soda which helps slime firm up
  • glitter
  • ADD LAST: 1 1/4 tbsp contact lens solution (some use borax which also has some boric acid but we avoid using it since it is toxic.) Boric acid and sodium borate are the best slime activators.
  • do NOT add any water!


Pour glue into a bowl. Add baking soda, glitter and liquid color (optional). Stir until uniformly distributed.

DSC_0103Add contact lens solution last as it is an activator and once the slime firms up, it will be hard adding other ingredients. I suggest adding a squirt of the solution at a time until the slime starts coming off the sides of the bowl.

DSC_0108Mix the slime with a fork and then knead it with your hands.


If slime feels loose, keep adding squirts of contact solution. If slime feels too hard, add a little more glue. If the slime is too sticky, add more contact solution. Store your slime in an airtight container. We store it in a refrigerator, where it can last for months. 


Add some erasers from a Dollar store and present it in a self-contained tub, container or a deep baking dish ~we are using this tub from this table set to contain the slimy mess. Have a spooktacular Halloween! 

What is the ⚗️ science behind the slime? Baking soda helps to firm slime. The saline solution is the slime's activator and helps it to get its rubbery texture. The slime will begin to form immediately thanks to the mixture of boric acid and sodium borate present in the saline solution. These two ingredients are cross-linking agents that create your slime! The glue is a polymer and is made up of long, repeating, and identical strands or molecules. These molecules with flow past one another keeping the glue in a liquid state. When you add the borate ions to the mixture, it starts to connect these long strands together. They begin to tangle and mix until the substance is thicker and rubberier like slime and less like the liquid you started with. The final step is to knead your slime. The slime is ready once it starts to pull away from the sides of the bowl.

DSC_0404See here more  🎃Halloween 👻 Inspired Kids Activities Crafts & DIY.


DSC_0067See here DIY 🌌Galaxy Baking Soda Borax-Free 🏡Home-made ❌Non ♨️Toxic Slime • Kids 🙌🏻 Sensorial ⚗️Science Experiment.



For Christmas slime, see here 🎅🏻 Santa ❤️ Red Slime DIY Jar (Science 🔬⚗️⚖️ 101 🎥Series 🎇)

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