Tendons 🖐🏻Human Hand 💉Body Anatomy Unit Study
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DIY Oobleck Goop Blood 💉Human BODY Anatomy Unit Study

In continuing our Anatomy unit study, we are making Oobleck "blood" and "blood cells" from air clay


Oobleck ~also known as "Goop" is an inexpensive, non-toxic example of a non-Newtonian fluid which is a suspension of starch (e.g. cornstarch) in water, where the resulting substance ~ also called "ooze" or "magic mud" ~ is both a solid and a liquid. The name "oobleck" is derived from the Dr. Seuss book Bartholomew and the Oobleck. The recipe is one of the easiest of any slime, but is also one of the most amazing! Trust me! Your child (and you) will be mesmerized as your slime turns from a solid to a liquid and back again in seconds!  One second you grab a solid handful of this magic gooey, the next second it drips through your hands like a liquid!


What you will need to make this gloopy, gooey "magic mud" is 1 part of water to 1.5–2 parts of cornstarch (food coloring is optional/may stain). The set up is less than five minutes and is very easy to make. Please, note, this slime is NOT edible! DK The Slime Book: All You Need to Know to Make the Perfect Slime is a perfect resource to make all kinds of smiles, oobleck in particular.  

DSC_0051Add a few scoops of cornstarch into a bowl

DSC_0051Add squirts of water little by little (we are using this dropper and this beaker set)

DSC_0055 You will soon have a thick gooey slime

DSC_0058     If you try to hit this oobleck type of slime, it will act like a solid and "you will get sore knuckles." However, if you gently poke your finger inside this magic mixture, it will feel like a liquid!  


A little history: hundreds of years ago a famous scientist Sir Isaac Newton wrote about how liquids behave. However, slime like this is known as non-Newtonian fluid because it does not play by the rules!

DSC_0077Grab a handful of slime and squish it together ~ it will feel solid, even crumbly
DSC_0070Keep your hands moving to keep the mixture solid
DSC_0080When you stop moving your hands, the slime will change back into a liquid
DSC_0080 Stir in a few drops of food coloring to give your oobleck a blast of color
DSC_0091Add more red coloring and whisk to give your oobleck a bloody appearance

DSC_0112Now, it is time to add our air clay platelets with red and white blood cells. Our platelet is gathering near red blood cells in case there is a cut and clotting is required, while our white blood "soldiers" are ready to gobble up the "green virus" invader!


DSC_0102  We are referencing a book ~ First Human Body Encyclopedia


We also read The Circulatory System (The True Books) which is a wonderful introduction to the circulatory system; the functions of the heart, arteries and veins; and the different types of blood cells.
DSC_0104Finally, DK The Visual Dictionary of the Human Body book reveals a closer look at the inner workings of human blood, allowing us further explore the human body from the inside out! 

We had a blast learning about the blood hands-on while exploring science through sensorial play! Stay tuned for more ...

For more hands-on "Inside of the Body" activities, see here our entire 💉Human BODY Anatomy Unit Study.

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