3D 💠Flower Craft • 👱Father's Day 🎉Card • 🎨Watercolor🖌Painting • Arts ✂️Crafts 101 🎥 Series
Father's Day is approaching, and we are making a 3D Process Art craft which Adrian will give to Daddy as a Father's Day gift. We are using materials you probably have in your cupboard (salt, oats, and bran), along with some watercolors and sprinkles of imagination.
This is a fun fine motor activity that allows your child to express creativity while coming up with own coloring media combinations. You can use a variety of grain for this craft: from corn to rice ~ your imagination is the limit! And, there is nothing more satisfying and fulfilling for a child than to be able to creatively express oneself openly and without judgment, and arts and crafts provide a wonderful opportunity for such expression.
What you will need:
- watercolor pad (we are using this one)
- watercolor paints (we are using this artist paint set and these watercolors in tubes)
- oatmeal bran and salt
- cotton balls
- a glue gun,
- and a stapler.
These kids watercolor techniques are exciting and interesting alternatives to basic watercolor painting. We love to experiment with the different medium, coming up with new creative expressions!
Adrian's favorite color currently is blue, so, of course, he chose a 💠blue flower! And, after researching types of nature's bountiful blue flowers, we set up a tentative artistic plan. However, I leave a lot of room for artistic expression, and with few additions and modifications, our Blue Flower has emerged!
This Flower art can be framed and hang in your child's room, or you can make a perfect birthday card out of it or this can be a very special Mother's Day or Father's Day gift. Happy Father's Day to All Dads! Whoever you are, wherever you are, know that you are special and that we love you!
We did similar crafts, see below ...
See here 🐝Goldenrod 🌼Flower DIY Craft Process Art • Oatmeal & Salt 🖌Painting
Also, see here 3D 🎨Jellyfish 💦Watercolor Hot Glue Texture Raised Salt Painting Process Art