Epcot International 🌸Flower & Garden Festival
Wooden Tangram Puzzle at 41 months

Disney's Animal Kingdom

We love nature and animals, and we love to explore. However, we cannot always visit all the beautiful places to admire all the living diversity on this land. There is so much to see - so much to explore! However, we can come to Disney's Animal Kingdom zoological theme park and experience first-hand breathtaking African Savannah, or see tigers in Asia, or come to a close encounter with Central and South American Crocodiles!

DSC_0281 The Tree of Life.

At the center of the park there is a Tree of Life - an impressive 145 feet tall and 50 feet wide at its base tree, home to over 300 meticulously detailed animal carvings throughout its massive trunk, gnarling roots and outstretched branches.

DSC_0281Tree of Life invokes the diversity, beauty and interconnected nature of earth's many creatures. 

At Animal Kingdom you transcend the time and distance as you can encounter wild animals and explore exotic jungle trails all in one park - without the need of physical travel to different continents! You can even become a paleontologist!

DSC_0263Have you ever gone to Disney's Animal Kingdom Boneyard? 

This is the biggest sensorial bin I have ever seen! The child gets to use his/her tactile senses and really explore through the sense of touch the texture of sand, while revealing with every scoop of the shovel another bone, which might lead to the mankind's biggest discovery!

DSC_0263Disney's Boneyard is an open-air play area designed to look like a dinosaur dig site. However, this is not a dinosaur’s bones Adrian is digging for. This Columbian Mammoth persisted just 10,000 years ago -  over 64 mil years after the last dinosaur disappeared. During the Pleistocene Ace Age, this North American area was populated by animals such as lions, giant sloths, giant beavers, and huge mammoths. Evidence suggests that this mammoth was killed by Paleo indians (pride of "smilodons"- Saber Tooth Cats) who hunted with spears. Is it not easy to kill a mammoth with a spear!

DSC_0263A real size Brachiosaurus replica bone skeleton welcomes children to and from the dig-site. 

After leaving the Dinosaur park, children were excited to encounter fist-hand a beautiful diversity of animal kingdom.  

DSC_0243 Southern Giant Anteater. 

The South America Anteater uses its sticking two-foot tong to gobble up at many at 30,000 bugs per day!

DSC_0269African Spoonbill.

Spoonbills sweep their long broad bill from side to side to catch small fish and aquatic creatures and scoop them out of the water.
DSC_0269South America Roseate Spoonbill.

Also known as “flame bird”, this spoonbill gets its bright pink plumage from a diet rich in shrimp (just like flamingoes). 

During our trip, children were truly emerged into the World Of Animals, not to mention the Explore Passports, which prompted them to stop by at multiple location to earn badges after learning an interesting fact about an animal or a country. As a result children received  a hands-on zoology lesson with experts sharing their insider tips while observing real life animals in their natural habitats! We will definitely be back to the Animal Kingdom! There are more badges to earn!

p.s. See our African Savanna post here where we could encounter up close one of the most unbelievable animals!

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