Chinese 🇨🇳 New Year 🐉 Celebration at a Montessori School
Chinese 🇨🇳 New Year 🐉 of a 🐓 Rooster - How we celebrate

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Birthday - How we celebrate

Today, January 27th, is Wolfgang Amadeus  Mozart's birthday! Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756–1791) was born on January 27, 1756 in Salzburg, Austria. He wrote over 600 pieces of classical music from the classical period. He started composing music very young: at the age of five! By the time he was six, he was playing music for kings, queens, princes, and other royalty all over Europe! His "music" memory was unbelievable: he could listen to music just once and then write it down without any mistakes! Mozart was one of the greatest composers of the classical music ever!

DSC_0240To learn more about music and the instrument, we are using these Musical Instruments. We are also using our favorite Can You Hear It? book (see a post here) to learn more about the classical orchestra instruments. 

We also read a book Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Getting to Know the World's Greatest Composers (buy here). The "Getting to Know" series is a wonderful way to introduce children to famous artists, painters, musicians, scientists and more! We simply love all their books! 

Below is a video of Adrian playing the violin at 39 months. He is still learning to hold the violin and the bow properly, and to  play one string at a time in the middle without crossing the bridge. He sees Julia practicing every day, and every day he pulls out his violin and practices side by side with Julia (the advantages of an older sibling :) 

My children grew up listening to classical music all the time. We have it playing in the house, and the car's radio is always tuned to a classical music channel. Our two favorite musical pieces by Mozart are:

Symphony No. 25 in G minor, which Mozart composed when he was only 17!

And Symphony No. 40 in G minor, K. 550, I. Molto allegro:


Thank you for all your contributions to classical music!

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