1️⃣ First Time ✍️Writing Own name "Adrian" at 37 months
It is Holiday time, so we are planning to visit Santa to give him our wish-list letters, so Julia has been busy writing her wish-list. And Adrian inspired by Julia decides to write his own letter. I expected scribble-scribble (which he did draw on the bottom:) but then I overheard him enunciating the letters phonetically (by their sound). When I approached, I saw that he wrote his name, all by himself. So, I asked him to do it again, and I got a chance to catch it on a video.
I really did not expect him to start writing so young! He does a lot of tracing (see here), and he can visually follow the template, and "write" his name using Alphabet Pattern Blocks, as below ...
But writing on his own: it was for the first time! I guess, it is just the right time: a letter to Santa is an important letter after all!