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August 2016

This wooden number-to-quantity interlocking self-correcting Numbers Puzzle (buy similar here) is more abstract as a toddler is not actually holding any quantity to substantiate the value (like with Spindles or Numbers Rods), but rather matches a numeral (e.g. number 2) to the quantity shown on a picture (2 cows). This... Read more →

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To continue our number exploration, we are making numbers from pipe-cleaners! Julia has made most of them, but Adrian noticed that 10 was missing, so he started to work on it right a way. And what about making numbers from play-dough? Julia really enjoyed making numbers from play-dough. She decorated... Read more →

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"The senses, being explorers of the world, open the way to knowledge. Our apparatus for educating the senses offers the child a key to guide his explorations of the world ... " Dr. Maria Montessori, The Absorbent Mind p 167, Chap 17 So, let's explore! Today, we are exploring Disney's... Read more →

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Today, we are exploring Africa. First, we would read about Africa in a World Atlas book (buy here). We love using these animals as language objects during continent unit works as well as for zoology. But what about taking a trip to a real savanna in Africa to see all... Read more →

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"If you can dream it, you can do it!" Walt Disney ... And it is so important to dream: to wish for impossible, to desire unachievable, to strive for inconceivable! Because all these concepts are relative - to our current knowledge, to current progress level, and to our evolutionary advancement.... Read more →

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