Disney Countdown
The Power of Imagination 💫Disney World Magic Kingdom

Language Objects - Writing using cursive movable alphabet

Language objects are usually used for early reading during a Phonetic Object Game (in a last Step Towards Literacy). Julia (2 months short of her 7th Birthday) can read all these words, and now, the goal is for her to be comfortable with spelling using Montessori Cursive Moveable Alphabet

Children love miniature things, so we have been collecting the following Language Objects:


  • Ant, ax, alligator
  • Bag, ball, basket, bat, bee, bell, bird, block, bottle/baby bottle, box, broom, bulb, bucket/pail, bug, bowl
  • can, car, card, cat, church, clock, cloth-pin, coin, corn, cow, crab, chimp
  • disk/chip, dog, drum, dove, duck
  • egg, elephant
  • fan, fish, flag, flower, frog
  • gift, glasses/eye, golf-club, gorilla
  • hat (sun), hen, horn, horse, house
  • infant
  • jar,  jug (pitcher)
  • kangaroo, kettle, key, kitchen assortment, koala
  • lamp, lantern, letter, led
  • mat, melon, mop, muffin pan, mug
  • newspaper, nut
  • octopus
  • pad, panda, panther, peg, pig, pin (diaper pin), plane, pumpkin, peanut
  • quarter
  • rabbit, racket, rat, ring
  • sack, sheep, skate, sled, stamp, starfish
  • tag, tiger, top, (metal) tray, (Christmas) tree, trunk (chest), (metal) tub
  • umbrella
  • vacuum, vase, violin
  • wagon, washboard (scrub board)
  • yarn
  • zebra, zipper


Julia will pick about five objects and attempt to spell them out using Montessori Cursive Moveable AlphabetIf she spells the word correctly, I will put such an object aside. If she makes a mistake, the object goes back into the Language Object box to be retrieved in a near future to see if she can do it correctly the next time.


 For more Language work, see here  🔠 Letter Series (Montessori Language). 

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