Crumbing a Table Activity - Toddler Practical Life Activity
Practical life activities can be introduced to a toddler as early as 15 months. I started offering to Adrian crumbing the table activity at around 26 months. This small crumb set is perfect for table-top crumbing. The activity can be practical indeed, like asking your toddler to help clean up crumbs or food pieces after a dinner, or prepared, like here, where you would use any type of grain, dry pasta or seeds, and a defined area to clean (I used a black magnetic tape that I re-use to define a square).
The dustpan and stiff-bristle brush both have wooden handles, and a magnet holds the brush to the dustpan.
The activity requires concentration and precision.
All done!
As soon as Adrian would finish, he would start it all over again, sometime three times in a row.
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